Initial public offering

Communication at the heart of the IPO project

An IPO is a complex, strategic operation that relies heavily on communication.

With an IPO (Initial Public Offering), the company enters the public sphere. Where its communication used to focus on its commercial targets, it now reaches out to all audiences. It’s a huge opportunity that, over and above the funds raised, represents a real lever for development, but it also entails risks that need to be managed.

Why an IPO is above all a communications operation

An IPO is above all a communications operation because it involves introducing a company to its target audience, enabling them to understand it in order to gain their trust and create demand for the company’s stocks. All this has to be done in a very short period of time: around 10 to 15 days, which goes against all usual communication practices. For the operation to be a success in such a short space of time, it requires a meticulous preparation phase, which for several months will mobilize all the agency’s strategic know-how.

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Implementation of all the agency's strategic know-how

To be able to effectively support an issuer in communicating its IPO, the agency needs to have recognized expertise in this field, as well as know-how in several strategic areas essential to the success of the operation. These trades are as follows:

  • Investor Relations: the agency does not organize meetings between potential investors and the company’s management. This is the role of the introducing banks (the agency will take over in post-IPO on this point). On the other hand, the agency has a key role to play in preparing the executives: together with the banks, it designs the messages, organizes them through a presentation slideshow, and trains the spokespeople to deliver these messages in the most convincing way,
  • Shareholders marketing: we’re talking about individual investors here. In addition to awareness-raising campaigns via advertising and press relations, the agency organizes direct marketing actions aimed at transforming interest into an act of purchase (or subscription). Examples include email campaigns, hotlines (email or telephone), online questionnaires or dedicated webinar-type events,
  • Press Relations: press coverage will increase visibility and public confidence in the project. Some stock-market media are even issuing a recommendation on the deal. The agency’s role is to maximize the benefits and ensure that they are positive,
  • Advertising: the media plan is a key part of the communication strategy,
  • Print publishing: the agency will help edit, print and make available introductory documents for the various events,
  • Web publishing: the agency creates a website dedicated to the IPO, presenting the company and the planned operation,
  • Events: The agency organizes the public meeting with professional investors that will launch the operation. It also organizes one or more webinar-style meetings with individual investors. Finally, it organizes a press conference for journalists. Where appropriate, it can also organize site visits if this helps to improve understanding and image of the company.
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Optimizing the media plan, the biggest item in the communications budget

The media plan is a key element of IPO’s communication strategy. Advertising investment represents 70 to 90% of the communication budget. It is therefore important to optimize this item to maximize the campaign’s impact while keeping the operation’s budget under control.

Calyptus will help you define your media plan, taking into account your objectives, your budget and your target audience. We help you choose the right channels, the right messages and the right targets.

To find out more, see our Financial advertising page

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Design a lively, accessible IPO site & leverage the media

The IPO website is an essential tool for informing potential investors.

It is the focal point (and the landing page) of the advertising campaign. It must therefore be clear, concise and easy to navigate.

Calyptus helps you design an IPO website that meets investors’ needs. We’ll help you choose the right design, write the content and implement the necessary functionalities.

Knowing how to meet journalists’ expectations for this type of operation to maximize media coverage

Media coverage is a key factor in the success of an IPO. It’s important to know how to meet journalists’ expectations to maximize coverage.

Calyptus helps you prepare your media relations. We can help you write press releases, organize press conferences and answer journalists’ questions.

To find out more, see our press relations page

See all our services
communication corporate calyptus

Communication is key to a successful IPO. Calyptus can help you design and implement an effective communications strategy to achieve your objectives.

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