Financial publishing

How do you transform a regulatory constraint into a valuable communication tool?

For listed SMEs, the annual report is a regulatory requirement. It must be published every year and provide financial and non-financial information about the company.

But the annual report is much more than just a constraint. It is an invaluable communication tool that enables the company to present itself to investors, analysts, customers and other stakeholders at the crossroads between financial and non-financial communication.

The market's focus on the annual report

The annual report is often the first point of entry for assessing the value of investing in a company. Some investors who are starting to take an interest in one of our client companies ask us for 10 or 15 years’ worth of annual reports. It is therefore essential that the annual report is clear, concise and informative (and archived over several years);

To meet the expectations of the regulator and the various stakeholders, the content of the annual report is very broad. In particular, it must include:

  • financial statements: parent company and consolidated financial statements and notes,
  • a description of the company’s business, its corporate governance structure and the risks it faces,
  • extra-financial elements: business model, CSR approach, extra-financial risk management, green taxonomy, etc,
  • legal and statutory information and draft resolutions submitted to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
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Annual report, URD, CSR report, integrated report: which format to choose?

The company may choose to publish an annual report or a URD (Universal Registration Document): the URD is more binding, as it is designed to serve as a basis for a possible financial transaction. Even if no financial transactions are envisaged, it may be in the company’s interest to keep the URD format year after year: this way, it is ready at any time should the need arise, and presents the market with a complete, standardized document that reinforces confidence.

Some companies choose to do both: a URD for financial audiences and an annual report for other stakeholders. Others will also publish a specific report on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a pillar of extra-financial communication.

The integrated report, used today mainly by large CAC 40 companies, is a good complement to the URD and an example for mid-cap companies to follow. This informative document summarizes a company’s activity, its ecosystem and the way in which the value created is distributed among its stakeholders (customers, shareholders and investors, employees, partners and suppliers, institutions, civil society organizations).

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Increasing regulatory constraints

Regulatory requirements for annual reports are constantly evolving. The company must therefore keep abreast of the latest developments to ensure that its annual report complies with current requirements.

The main recent regulatory developments concern the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and the green taxonomy for extra-financial communication.

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The Calyptus offer

Calyptus offers a complete range of financial publishing services, including:

  • design and drafting of annual reports and URDs,
  • layout of annual reports,
  • training in collaborative publishing tools,
  • support in bringing annual reports into line with regulatory requirements.

Publishing beyond the annual report

In addition to the annual report, Calyptus also offers a range of financial publishing services, covering:

  • letters to shareholders,
  • investor web modules,
  • corporate websites or brochures.
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Contact us to find out more about our financial publishing offer.

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