Terms of use
Ownership and editorial responsibility
This website is the property of Calyptus.
55 rue des petites écuries 75010 PARIS
Company with share capital of €43,800
RCS Paris under number 379 470 792.
Tel : +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68
Email : Info(@)calyptus.net
Publication manager: Mathieu Calleux
Site designer
This site was designed by the Sosyal agency
86 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 34430 St Jean de Vedas
SASU with capital of €1,000
RCS Montpellier – SIRET : 905 258 265
Tel : +33 (0)4 12 33 37 51
Email : contact(@)sosyal.fr
Website : https://www.sosyal.fr
This site is hosted by O2SWITCH
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
EURL o2switch with a capital of 100000€.
RCS : Clermont-Ferrand – SIRET : 510 909 80700024 – TVA : FR35510909807
The o2switch brand is registered with INPI under number 09 3 645 729.
Tel : +33 (0)4 44 44 60 40
Website : https://www.o2switch.fr/
Intellectual property
The Website, its general structure, as well as the texts, images (animated or not), know-how, drawings, graphics and any other element making up the Website are the property of either Calyptus, or of customers who have authorized Calyptus to produce their data, or of the purchase of art for which the agency has paid.
Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever without the express authorization of the website operator is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Site operation and use
Calyptus is bound only by an obligation of means with regard to the operation and continuity of the Site and may not under any circumstances be held liable:
– access speeds to the Site, particularly from other Internet sites, opening and consultation speeds of Site pages, external slowdowns, suspension or inaccessibility of the Site, fraudulent use by third parties of any information made available on the Site.
– events due to force majeure as defined by jurisprudence, and in particular the following cases: breakdowns and technical problems concerning hardware, programs, software and the Internet network, which may result in the suspension or termination of the service.
– if the service offered by the Site proves to be incompatible or malfunctions with certain software, configurations, operating systems, browsers and equipment that you use.
You are solely responsible for your use of the service and the site and shall not hold Calyptus liable for any claims and/or proceedings brought against it.
Calyptus reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily or permanently discontinue any or all of the services it offers on the Site.
External links
The Site may contain hypertext links to other Internet sites. Calyptus makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which you may access through the Site and is in no way responsible for the content, operation or access to such websites.
Illegal content and public decency
Any action by you to restrict or inhibit any other person from using or enjoying the Site is strictly prohibited. Calyptus reminds you that you may only use the Site for lawful purposes and that you are prohibited from publishing or transmitting through the Site any material that is unlawful, prejudicial, defamatory, pornographic, hateful, racist or otherwise offensive to human dignity. In the event that Calyptus is informed of the presence of illicit content on the Site, it is entitled to immediately remove the content. Calyptus is entitled to carry out electronic monitoring of the documents posted and the public areas of the Site to verify their compliance with the requirements set out above.
Intellectual property rights
Any downloading, deterioration, reproduction, copy, modification, commercial use, total or partial, of the various elements of the Site, without the prior authorization of the company Calyptus, is prohibited and exposes its authors to legal proceedings.
Applicable law
These provisions are governed by French law.