financial communication
Digitization of annual reports (ESEF): what if we opted for a genuine financial publishing strategy?
Digitization of annual reports (ESEF): what if we opted for a genuine financial publishing strategy? ESEF challenges the habits of……
Stock market: should you be afraid to communicate in times of crisis?
Stock market: should you be afraid to communicate in times of crisis? The health crisis is now giving way to……
An excellent 1st half 2016 for Calyptus
An excellent 1st half 2016 for Calyptus 7 new customers in s1 2016 In a financial communications market where……
IPO – Individual shareholders: where are you?
by Mathieu Calleux – General Manager – Calyptus 1.9 million subscribed by individual shareholders (subscription to the OPO – Open……
TechShare: first financial communications workshop
As EnterNext’s financial communications partner in the TechShare program, Calyptus brought together the CEOs of selected companies for a one-day……